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The storage landscape is rapidly evolving, led by advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and High-Performance Computing (HPC). These applications generate massive amounts of data that must be instantaneously processed, stored and analyzed in real time.
- Systems & Applications
- PCIe
- PCIe Storage
- PCI Express
- PCI Express Storage
- NVMe
- AI
In early 2022, PCI-SIG® released the full version of the PCI Express® (PCIe®) 6.0 specification.
- Systems & Applications
- PCIe 6.0
- PAM4
- PAM4 signaling
- PCI Express 6.0
- PCI Express 6.0 Specification
- PCIe 6.0 architecture
With global health and safety concerns related to the Covid-19 pandemic still greatly limiting in-person events in 2021, PCI-SIG® continues to offer compliance workshop opportunities to our members virtually.
- Standards & Compliance
- PCIe 6.0 specification
- PAM4 signaling
- PCIe 6.0 architecture
- PCIe form factor
- FLIT Mode
One of the many new features included in the PCI Express® (PCIe®) specification will be PAM4 (Pulse Amplitude Modulation with 4 levels) signaling.
- Systems & Applications
- PCIe 6.0
- PCI Express 6.0
- What is PAM4
- PAM4
- Forward Error Correction
Earlier this month, I attended another eventful Flash Memory Summit (FMS) and I am pleased to say that PCI Express® (PCIe®) was around every corner at this year’s event.
- Standards & Compliance
- PCIe 6.0
- PCI Express 6.0
- PCIe 5.0
- PCI Express 5.0
- PCIe 4.0
- PCI Express 4.0
- OCP Summit
- Flash Memory Summit
- PCIe Storage
- PCI Express Storage
This year’s Flash Memory Summit (FMS) is coming up on August 6. As PCI Express technologies continue to evolve and make strides in the industry, PCI-SIG® is excited to highlight our participation in the growth of flash storage.
- Standards & Compliance
- PCIe 6.0
- PCI Express 6.0
- PCIe 5.0
- PCI Express 5.0
- PCIe 4.0
- PCI Express 4.0
- OCP Summit
- Flash Memory Summit
- PCIe Storage
- PCI Express Storage