2025 Sponsorship Opportunities

All PCI-SIG® Member companies are awarded the exclusive opportunity to sponsor various PCI-SIG events hosted around the world. These events attract attendees representing various industry segments and professional skill sets—from developers to decision makers. Sponsors benefit from heightened visibility as technology leaders among these audiences.

2025 Exhibiting Sponsorships

*Supplemental sponsorships will be available in the months prior to each event and may be found here: https://pcisig.com/events/2025-sponsorship-opportunities/2025-supplemental-sponsorship-opportunities

Sponsors will qualify for the offered discount for their US DevCon package if they participate in all PCI-SIG DevCon events this year. The current PCI-SIG upcoming Developers Conferences intended for 2025 are: 

  • Austin, TX – January 14, 2025
  • APAC Tour – Penang and Taipei
    • Penang – February 13, 2025
    • Taipei – February 17-18, 2025
  • Europe – Porto – Being scheduled for April 2025
  • US – Being scheduled for June 2025
  • Korea – Being scheduled for September 2025
  • Tokyo – Being scheduled for September 2025
  • India – Being scheduled for November 2025

More information on the discount package for 2025 Sponsorship events will be available in the coming months.


PCI-SIC DevCon Austin 2025  – Registration Opening Soon!
January 14, 2025 – Hilton Austin

Sponsorship Opportunity – $1,000 Benefits Include:

  • Logo representation on all DevCon related collateral
  • Distribution of one piece of PCI-SIG approved collateral to all DevCon attendees via email

PCI-SIG DevCon APAC Tour  2025 – Registration Coming Soon!
February 13, 2025 – Penang, Malaysia
February 17-18, 2025 – Taipei, Taiwan

Sponsorship Opportunity – Benefits Include:

  • Onsite space and staff presence at each venue (1 day in Penang and 2 days in Taipei)
  • Logo representation on all DevCon related collateral
  • Distribution of one piece of PCI-SIG approved collateral to DevCon attendees via email

PCI-SIC DevCon US 2025 Registration Coming Soon!
June 2024 – Location TBA

Platinum Sponsor 

  • 1 Exhibitor Booth (10’x20’) + electrical (500 watts)
    • Alumni sponsors may choose to upgrade their booth size to 20’x20’ + 1,000 total watts
  • Logo representation on all DevCon related collateral
    • Signs, banners, onsite handouts, email blasts, advertisement flyers, etc.
  • Distribution of one piece of PCI-SIG approved collateral to DevCon attendees via email
  • 1 product and logo feature OR 1 company ad, displayed on a single slide which will be included in the exhibit hall during lunch, morning, and afternoon break.
  • Graphic flash banner featured in DevCon mobile app

Gold Sponsor

  • 1 Exhibitor Booth (10’x10’) + electrical (500 watts)
  • Logo representation on all DevCon related collateral
    • Signs, banners, onsite handouts, email blasts, advertisement flyers, etc.
  • Company logo rotating on screen in exhibit hall during lunch, morning, and afternoon break

Exhibitor Sponsor

  • 1 Exhibitor Booth (10’x10’) + electrical (500 watts)
  • Company logo rotating on screen in exhibit hall during lunch, morning, and afternoon break