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Nov 30, 2020

Wow, 2020 sure has transformed the ways we connect, learn and innovate in industries around the world, and in our daily lives!

  • Standards & Compliance
  • PCI Express compliance
  • PCI-SIG Integrators List
  • PCIe 4.0
  • PCIe 3.0
Nov 02, 2020

This year has been challenging for us all and we hope that you and your families are staying healthy and safe. Despite the trials that we have faced, PCI-SIG® is adapting our events and workshops to these new times and pressing on in specification development.

  • Standards & Compliance
  • PCIe 6.0 specification
Oct 16, 2020

Given the shift to virtual events this year, PCI-SIG® has adapted to a primarily digital world via various online initiatives like educational webinarsblogs and more.

  • Systems & Applications
  • PCI-SIG DevCon
  • PCIe 6.0
Sep 28, 2020

The PCI Express® (PCIe®) 6.0 specification will feature two primary mechanisms to correct errors: Forward Error Correction (FEC) and Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). Each 256-byte FLIT comprises of 242 bytes of payload which are protected by 8 Bytes of CRC.

  • Systems & Applications
  • PCIe 6.0
  • PCI Express 6.0
  • PCIe FEC
Aug 30, 2020

The upcoming PCI Express® (PCIe®) 6.0 specification will continue PCI-SIG’s® longstanding history of innovation for the next generation of products to keep up with evolving needs in a wide range of markets.

  • Systems & Applications
  • PCIe 6.0
  • PCI Express 6.0
  • PCIe L0p
  • PCIe low power state
Aug 11, 2020

One of the many new features included in the PCI Express® (PCIe®) specification will be PAM4 (Pulse Amplitude Modulation with 4 levels) signaling.

  • Systems & Applications
  • PCIe 6.0
  • PCI Express 6.0
  • What is PAM4
  • PAM4
  • PCIe FEC
  • Forward Error Correction
Jun 23, 2020

PCI-SIG® has shifted to virtual events for the 2020 calendar year and our first major members event was the Virtual PCI-SIG Developers Conference.

  • Systems & Applications
  • PCI-SIG DevCon
  • PCIe 5.0
  • PCI Express 5.0
  • PCIe 4.0
  • PCI Express 4.0 PCIe Retimer
  • PCI Express Retimer
Jun 22, 2020

For almost two decades, the PCI Express® (PCIe®) architecture has offered low latency and high bandwidth in support of next generation systems.

  • Systems & Applications
  • PCIe 6.0
  • PCI Express 6.0
  • PAM4
  • PCIe FEC
  • Forward Error Correction
  • FLIT
Jun 11, 2020

PCI Express® (PCIe®) technology is the most important high-speed serial bus in servers. Due to its high bandwidth and low latency characteristics, PCI Express architecture is widely used in various server interconnect scenarios, such as:

  • Signal Integrity
  • PCIe 5.0
  • PCI Express 5.0
  • PCIe CEM
  • PCIe Channel Loss
Jun 03, 2020

Before the emergence of autonomous driving, our cars provided isolation from the outside world. We could move from point A to point B with the press of a pedal and a Mapquest print-out in the passenger seat.

  • Systems & Applications
  • PCIe 6.0
  • PCI Express 6.0
  • PCIe 5.0
  • PCI Express 5.0
  • automotive
