
Technology: PCI Express
Specification Title Spec Rev
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(PWG) | Translated Memory Requests with PASID ECN
Loosens restrictions on use of PASID to allow PASID ...view more Loosens restrictions on use of PASID to allow PASID to be applied to Memory Requests using Translated addresses (AT=Translated). show less
5.x ECN
PASID Translation
The Process Address Space ID (PASID) ECN to the Base...view more The Process Address Space ID (PASID) ECN to the Base PCI Express Specification defines the PASID TLP Prefix. This companion ECN is optional normative and defines PASID TLP Prefix usage rules for ATS and PRI. show less
1.x ECN
Process Address Space ID (PASID)
This optional normative ECN defines an End-End TLP P...view more This optional normative ECN defines an End-End TLP Prefix for conveying additional attributes associated with a request. The PASID TLP Prefix is an End-End TLP Prefix as defined in the PCI Express Base Specification. Routing elements that support End-End TLP Prefixes (i.e. have the End-End TLP Prefix Supported bit Set in the Device Capabilities 2 register) can correctly forward TLPs containing a PASID TLP Prefix. show less
1.x ECN