Frequently Asked Questions

The following FAQ list was generated using standard responses provided to PCI-SIG members by Technical Support and PCI-SIG Administration. For questions relative to the PCI Specifications, please reference the specifications themselves as the authoritative text. 

PCI Express

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How does ExpressModule improve the way Servers and Workstations are built and serviced?

The ExpressModule form factor provides Servers and Workstations with a modular I/O adapter that is closed chassis hot-pluggable. The design of ExpressModule frees the I/O adapter from direct connection to the system board, thus allowing greater flexibility in system design. Server I/O Modules can be placed in the front or back of the system, vertical or horizontal, or above system I/O board. The Server I/O Modules flow-through cooling model increases system venting while providing adapter developers an airflow scheme, thus improving reliability for both adapters and systems. The standard management features promote remote service while the modular enclosure enables customer service and upgrades.

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Who developed the ExpressCard standard?

The ExpressCard standard was created by a broad coalition of PCMCIA member companies, including Dell, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Intel, Lexar Media, Microsoft, SCM Microsystems and Texas Instruments. PCMCIA developed the new standard with assistance from the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) and PCI-SIG. PCMCIA was a non-profit trade association founded in 1989 to establish technical standards for PC Card technology and to promote interchangeability among computer systems. In 2010, PCMCIA transferred its technology assets to the USB-IF and dissolved as an organization.

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What is the PCI Express ExpressModule?

The ExpressModule Specification is a PCI Express modular form factor defined for Servers & Workstations. Its ease-of-use packaging and integrated features provide benefits to many customers and system integrators (OEM, IHV, VAR and End-users). The ExpressModule enables and promotes fundamental improvements in the way Servers & Workstations are built and serviced.

PCI Express - 2.0

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SECTION - Based on the PCIe 2.0 spec, Line 13 page 212: - The next state is Configuration.Idle immediately after all Lanes that are transmitting TS2 Ordered Sets receive eight consecutive TS2 Ordered Sets with matching Lane and Link numbers (non-PAD) and identical data rate identifiers (including identical Link Upconfigure Capability (Symbol 4 bit 6)), and 16 consecutive TS2 Ordered Sets are sent after receiving one TS2 Ordered Sets. Does the received eight consecutive TS2 Ordered Sets with identical data rate identifiers (including identical Link Upconfigure Capability (Symbol 4 bit 6)) need to match the transmitted TS2 Ordered Sets if the next state is Configuration.Idle?

The received Link number must match the transmitted Link number. The received Lane number must match the transmitted Lane number. The received data rate identifier must be the same on all received lanes (but is not required to be the same as the transmitted data rate identifier). The received Link Upconfigure Capability bit must be the same on all received lanes (but is not required to be the same as the transmitted Link Upconfigure Capability bit).

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What prompted the need for another generation of PCI Express (PCIe)?

The PCIe 1.1 specification was developed to meet the needs of most I/O platforms. However a few applications, such as graphics, continue to require more bandwidth in order to enrich user experiences. PCI-SIG also saw the opportunity to add new functional enhancements (listed below), as well as incorporate all edits it had received to the PCIe 1.1 spec (via ECNs). In response to these needs, PCI-SIG developed PCI Express 2.0 (PCIe 2.0). It provides faster signaling, which doubles the bit rate from 2.5GT/s to 5GT/s.

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SECTION -- Device A has transmitters on 8 lanes. Device B has transmitters on 4 lanes. Both devices are connected via a link. During Receiver Detection sequence in Detect.Active: Device A detects that Device B has drivers on 4 lanes, and Device B detects that Device A has drivers on 8 lanes.

PCIe Link is symmetric - so each component has the same number of Transmitters as Receivers. Since device B has transmitters on only 4 lanes, it also has receivers on 4 Lanes. Hence it would not be capable of detecting receivers on 8 lanes of device A.

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Section 2.2.62. - How does a CPU know a device exists and where the position of the device is?

Configuration softrware reads configuration space address 00h (using different bus, device and function numbers). When it gets a response, it knows a device exists at that ID.

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SECTION - Referring to section (Recovery.Idle), our EP is implemented such that it will send Idle data once entry into recovery.idle. If Hot Reset bit is asserted in two consecutive received TS1 ordered set, then we will move to HotReset state. Will the RC respond to the idle data that the EP sends out and falsely trigger into L0 state even though RC is directed to enter into HotReset?

For this case, the LTSSM of the Downstream Port above the Endpoint is already in the Hot Reset state, since that is how it transmitted TS1 Ordered Sets with the Hot Reset bit asserted.

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SECTION - Is the following lane setting valid: executing a downconfiguration from x4 to x2, with lane0=ACTIVE, lane1=INACTIVE, lane2=ACTIVE, lane3=INACTIVE?

The active lanes must be consecutively numbered lanes starting with lane 0. Your example would configure as a x1 link.

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What other features are introduced in the PCIe 2.0 specification?

The most predominant feature in PCIe 2.0 is 5GT/s speed, which includes new mechanisms for software control of link speed, reporting of speed and width changes, and control of loopback. Other new features include:

  • PCI compatibility using the established PCI software programming models, thus facilitating a smooth transition to new hardware while allowing software to evolve to take advantage of PCI Express features
  • Enhanced Completion Timeout Control, which includes required and optional aspects, reduces false timeouts and increases the ability to 'tune' the timeouts
  • Function Level Reset and Access Control Services, giving enhanced robustness and support of certain IOV features (optional)
  • Slot Power Limit Changes to allow for higher powered slots, which support the newer, high-performance graphics cards; this new feature works in tandem with the 300W Card Electro-mechanical specification
  • Speed Signaling Controls to enable software to determine whether a device can operate at a specific signaling rate, which can be used to reduce power consumption, as well as provide gross level I/O to memory

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Where can interested parties get more information?

PCI-SIG is the sole source for PCIe specifications. In addition, both the PCI-SIG and its members provide a plethora of technical and marketing collateral in support of the PCIe architecture. Please visit for additional information.

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Section 6.18 - If a Switch supports the LTR feature, which of its ports must support LTR?

If a Switch supports the LTR feature, it must support the feature on its Upstream Port and all Downstream Ports.

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SECTION 7.8.6 -- Relative to Bits 3:0 in Section 7.8.6 - Link Capabilities Register, Supported Link Speeds. Is it OK for my device to support 0010b" and only support 5GT/s (and not support 2.5GT/s)?"

A device that supports 5GT/s must also be able to support and operate at 2.5GT/s.

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How can I get a copy of the PCI Express (PCIe) 2.0 specification?

Members may access specifications online on our Specifications web page or non-members may purchase specifications (order form is available on our Ordering Information web page).

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Section - In the PCIe spec 2.0 page 57, there is a sentence "For Memory Read Requests and Memory Write Requests, the Address Type field is encoded as shown in Table 2-5, with full descriptions contained in the Address Translation Services Specification, Revision 1.0." If the value of AT field is invalid, what will PCIe do? Will it report an error, and if so, what error will be reported?

Endpoints that do not support Address Translation Services set the AT field to 00b on transmitted TLPs and ignore the AT field on received TLPs.

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SECTION 6.1.4 - This question relates to MSI. More specifically this question also relates to the Conventional PCI 3.0 spec (on page 237) for MSI where it states that - The Multiple Message Enable field (bits 6-4 of the Message Control register) defines the number of low order message data bits the function is permitted to modify to generate its system software allocated vectors. Does this mean that the binary value of the LSBs of the message data specifies the vector number?

Yes (up to a total of 5 bits). Also to avoid confusion for the function, software sets each of the low order message data bits to 0, that correspond to the low order message data bits the function is permitted to modify to generate its system software allocated vectors.

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SECTION 2.3.1 - What is the correct behavior if a read or write exceeds a bar limit? For example, let's say a BAR is 128 bytes, and the Read or write request to the address space mapped by the BAR is for a size that is larger than 128 bytes. In this case what is the correct response from the device?

It should be handled as an unsupported request.

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Is PCIe 2.0 backward compatible with PCIe 1.1 and 1.0?

Yes. The PCIe Base 2.0 specification supports both the 2.5GT/s and 5GT/s signaling technologies. A device designed to the PCIe Base 2.0 specification may support 2.5GT/s, 5GT/s or both. However, a device designed to operate specifically at 5GT/s must also support 2.5GT/s signaling. The PCIe Base specification covers chip-to-chip topologies on the system board. For I/O extensibility across PCIe connectors, the Card Electromechanical (CEM) and ExpressModule? specifications will also need to be updated, but this work will not impact mechanical compatibility of the slots, cards or modules.

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What test tools and other infrastructure are available to support the development of PCIe 2.0 products?

The established PCIe ecosystem delivers both pre-silicon and post-silicon tools to assist design engineers with implementing PCIe 2.0 products. In addition, PCI-SIG provides updated hardware test fixtures and test software upgrades to facilitate compliance verification at its Compliance Workshops.

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Section - In PCIe 2.0 Spec P.128, a Poisoned I/O or Memory Write Request, or a Message with data (except for vendor-defined 25 Messages), that addresses a control register or control structure in the Completer must be handled as an Unsupported Request (UR) by the Completer. The completer receiving this kind of TLP needs to report error as UR or Poison TLP Received?

The intent is for this error case to be handled as a Poisoned TLP Received error. Errata is being developed against the 2.1 Base spec to clarify this. Due to ambiguous language in earlier versions of the spec, a component will be permitted to handle this error as an Unsupported Request, but this will be strongly discouraged.

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Section - According to Section in PCIe Base Specification 2.0, "The next state is Detect.Active after a 12 ms timeout or if Electrical Idle is broken on any Lane". Does this mean next state is Detect.Active only when electrical idle is broken?

It means the next state is Detect.Active after a 12 ms timeout, or the next state is Detect.Active (prior to the end of the 12 ms timer) if Electrical Idle is broken on any Lane.

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SECTION -- If a device encounters more than one error, will it log all the errors or the most significant error only (according to the precedence list).

It is recommended that only the highest precedence error associated with a single TLP be reported. However, it is recognized that reasonable implementations may not be able to support the recommended precedence order, which is why this is recommended rather than required behavior.

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Section - The Loopback slave should wait until Symbol lock is archived after link speed change during Loopback.Entry substate. However, the base spec does not appear to define whether symbol lock should be archieved on some Lanes or all Lanes.

The Loopback slave transitions to Loopback.Active immediately after exiting Electrical Idle following the link speed change. It attempts to acquire symbol lock on all of the lanes that were active when it entered Loopback.Entry.

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SECTION 4.2.8 - In the PCIe Base Spec 2.0, Section 4.2.8, page 239, under Key below the table it states - D Delay Symbol K28.5 (with appropriate disparity) What exactly does the term 'appropriate disparity' mean in the above lines from Spec?

Appropriate disparity means that the D symbol must have the correct disparity for the specified sequence of symbols.

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Are both 2.5GT/s and 5GT/s signaling rates supported in the PCIe 2.0 specification?

The PCIe Base 2.0 specification supports both 2.5GT/s and 5GT/s signaling rates, in order to retain backward compatibility with existing PCIe 1.0 and 1.1 systems. Aside from the faster bit rate, there are a number of improvements in this specification that allow greater flexibility and reliability in designing PCIe links. For example, the interconnect can be dynamically managed for platform power and performance considerations through software controls. Another significant RAS feature is the inclusion of new controls to allow a PCIe link to continue to function even when some lanes become non-operational.

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What were the initial target applications for PCIe 2.0?

The same set of core applications, high-performance graphics, enterprise-class storage and high-speed networking that benefited from the introduction of PCIe 1.0 architecture have led the charge for adoption of PCIe 2.0.

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SECTION -- I have an LTSSM L0s question. Let's say we have an EP that has both its RX and TX in L0s - specifically Rx_L0s.Idle and Tx_L0s.Idle. Also assume the EP receives and EI exit, and then the receiver transitions from RX_L0s.Idle to Rx_L0s.FTS. - What should Tx_L0s.Idle transition to, or should it stay in the same state?

The transmitter stays in TX_L0s.Idle.

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Section - Is the following error scenario valid? - RC sends PME_Turn_off message to EP - EP doesn't respond with ACK due to delay - EP responds with PME_TO_Ack message - EP sends PM_Enter_L23 and not sending ACK. Can the EP do without ACK?

The Endpoint is required to send an Ack for the PME_Turn_Off message. There is no valid reason for an extended delay of the Ack.

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Section - I have a question about LTSSM in Loopback state. When the LTSSM is in Loopeback.Entry(p.233L24), Loopback master will send TS1 with Compliance Receive bit (Symbol 5 bit 4)=0b and Loopback bit=1b and wait to receive identical TS1 with Loopback bit asserted less than 100 ms. In this time, both sides of link are probably in 5GT/s. Then if Loopback slave cannot do Symbol lock, how long does Loopback slave need to wait, and what is the next substate?

The slave stays in Loopback.Active indefinitely until it receives an EIOS (or detects or infers an Electrical Idle). There is not timeout.

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SECTION - We implement Memory Space Enable and IO Space Enable bit in our Endpoint. If the Endpoint receives a Memory Write TLP when Memory Space Enable bit is not set. How should the Endpoint handle this TLP? Also, if the Endpoint receives a Memory Write TLP and its data payload exceeds Max_Payload_Size when Memory Space Enable bit is not set. How should the Endpoint handle this TLP in each case?

For the first case, the Endpoint must handle the Request as an Unsupported Request. For the second case, it is recommended that the Endpoint handle the Request as a Malformed TLP, but the Endpoint is permitted to handle the Request as an Unsupported Request.

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SECTION -- This is in reference to the Polling.Active state as described in section - "Next state is Polling.Configuration after at least 1024 TS1 Ordered Sets were transmitted, and all Lanes that detected a Receiver during Detect receive eight consecutive TS1 or TS2 Ordered Sets or their complement with both of the following conditions." We have a question relative to the statement eight consecutive TS1 or TS2 Ordered Sets". Our understanding is that it means 8 consecutive TS1 or 8 consecutive TS2. It doesn't mean a mixture of TS1 and TS2. "

The transition to Polling.Configuration follows either 8 consecutive TS1s, or 8 consecutive TS2s on all lanes that detected a receiver in Detect. Note that the intent of the spec also is to allow the 8 to be any mixture of 8 consecutive TS1s or TS2s for this particular case (not necessarily for other LTSSM transitions, however). Note also that the PCIe 2.0 Errata item A42 (Polling.Active Substate) modifies this section (see Errata item A42 at

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Section - What is the purpose of the "inferred" electrical idle?

The purpose of the "inferred" electrical idle is to permit a method of detecting an electrical idle that does not use an analog circuit. Using an analog circuit can be difficult at 5.0 GT/s and the inferred method is an alternate (permitted) method.

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SECTION ̐ Can you please clarify the behavior of a Switch Downstream Port when the Secondary Bus Reset bit is Set in its Bridge Control register? It is our understanding that a Secondary Bus Reset will not affect anything in the Downstream Port where it is Set, only in components Downstream (i.e. components on or below the secondary bus of that virtual Bridge). Should the primary side of the virtual Bridge reset or preserve its Requester ID after the Secondary Bus Reset bit is Set?

When software sets the Secondary Bus Reset bit in a Switch Downstream Port, the Downstream Port must not reset any of its own configuration settings, and it must transition the Link below it to the Hot Reset state, assuming the Link is not down. The description of the Secondary Bus Reset bit in Section states "Port configuration registers must not be changed, except as required to update Port status."

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What are the benefits of PCIe 2.0? What business opportunities does it bring to the market?

While doubling the bit rate satisfies high-bandwidth applications, faster signaling has the advantage of allowing various interconnect links to save cost by adopting a narrow configuration. For example, a PCI Express 1.1 x8 link (8 lanes) yields a total aggregate bandwidth of 4Gbps, which is the same bandwidth obtained from a PCI Express 2.0 x4 link (4 lanes) that adopts the 5GT/s signaling technology. This can result in significant savings in platform implementation cost while achieving the same performance level. Backward compatibility is retained as 2.5 GT/s adapters can plug into 5.0 GT/s slots and will run at the slower rate. Conversely, PCIe 2.0 adapters running at 5.0 GT/s can plug into existing PCIe slots and run at the slower rate of 2.5 GT/s.

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SECTION -- During Polling.Active, should Device A transmit TS1s on 4 lanes while Device B transmits TS1s on 8 lanes? Or, TS1s must be transmitted in both directions on the identical number of lanes?

Since device B has transmitters on only 4 lanes, it cannot transmit TS1s on more than 4 lanes. Device A will transmit TS1s on only the lanes where it detected receivers (and that is a maximum of 4 lanes).

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Section - An Endpoint is in Recovery.RcvrCfg state and has received the 8 required consecutive TS2's. But before it is able to complete sending 16 TS2s, the downstream port sends EIEOS and then starts sending TS1s. At this point, should the Endpoint move to Recovery.Idle after sending 16 TS2s? Or is it required to reset its RX counter and start counting TS1s and try to go to Configuration?

Transition to Recovery.Idle after sending the 16 TS2s since the requirements for that transition are met.

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Section 2.9.1 - For a PCIe 2.0 Switch, when upstream port goes to DL_down, it is stated in pg. 131 line 11 that the config registers will be reset, also line 15 says propagate reset to all other ports (which I interpret as all downstream ports, am I right?) But on line 11 of pg. 130, it says downstream port registers are not affected except status update, do these contradict?

Yes, when a link reports DL_Down the upsteam port on the switch (and all other downstream devices) are reset.

The section 2.9.1 text covers two contexts. The context of a Downstream Port in DL_Down and the context of an Upstream Port in DL_Down. Care must be taken to apply the requirements in this section to the correct context.

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SECTION - In Base Spec 2.1 on page 246 line 10, it states that - "If directed" is defined as both ends of the Link having agreed to enter L1 etc. and then refers to Section, but there is no such section in the spec. Is there a section in the spec that provides more detail on this?

The reference in the spec should be to Section, which provides more detail (note that this reference will be fixed through upcoming errata to the 2.1 spec).

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SECTION 7.7 - Is a PCI Express Root Complex required to support MSI?

All PCI Express device Functions (including root ports) that are capable of generating interrupts must implement MSI or MSI-X or both.

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Section - What does Link Upconfigure mean? What is it used for?

Link Upconfigure means the device is capable of increasing the link width. When Upconfigure is supported by both devices on a link, the link width may be reduced to conserve power. When link use is going to increase, the devices will increase the link width to support the needed high data rate preferred by the device.

PCI Express - 3.0

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What are the initial target applications for PCIe 3.0?

It is expected that graphics, Ethernet, InfiniBand, storage and PCIe switches will continue to drive the bandwidth evolution for the PCIe architecture and these applications are the current targets of the PCIe 3.0 technology. In the future, other applications may put additional bandwidth and performance demands on the PCIe architecture.

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What is the bit rate for PCIe 3.0 and how does it compare to prior generations of PCIe?

The bit rate for PCIe 3.0 is 8GT/s. This bit rate represents the most optimum tradeoff between manufacturability, cost, power and compatibility.
The PCI-SIG analysis covered multiple topologies and configurations, including servers. All of these studies confirmed the feasibility of 8GT/s signaling with low-cost enablers and with minimal increases in power, silicon die size and complexity.

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Section - The specification says to transition from Recovery.RcvrLock to Recovery.RcvrCfg, upon receiving eight consecutive TS1 or TS2 Ordered Sets. If a Port in Recovery.RcvrLock state receives x (where x < 8) number of consecutive TS1 ordered sets and then receives (8 - x) number of consecutive TS2 ordered sets, should it transition to Recovery.RcvrCfg, OR should it wait for receiving 8 consecutive TS2 ordered sets to transition to Recovery.RcvrCfg (basically discarding the received TS1 Ordered Sets).

The transition requirements can be satisfied by receiving 8 TS1s, 8 TS2s, or a combination of TS1s and TS2s totaling 8.

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Section - Section of the PCIe spec states the following: In order to ensure common mode has been established, the Downstream Port must maintain a timer, and the Downstream Port must not send TS2 training sequences until a minimum of TCOMMONMODE has elapsed since the Downstream Port has started both transmitting and receiving TS1 training sequences.

If the Downstream Port receives no valid TS1 Ordered Sets but does receive valid TS2 Ordered Sets, should it timeout and transition to Detect?

No, the timer is to guarantee that the Transmitter will stay in Recovery.RcvrLock for a minimum time to establish common mode. The Port must wait to transition from Recovery.RcvrLock until this timer has expired, and the timer does not start counting until an exit from Electrical Idle has been detected. Errata A21 modified this section of the L1 PM Substates with CLKREQ ECN document.

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Does this mean that PCIe is finished at 8GT/s? What comes next?

The PCI-SIG will study the requirements of its members and of the industry for the next generation of the PCIe architecture following the successful release of the PCIe 3.0 specifications. Higher signaling rates depend on a number of factors. The PCI-SIG is committed to delivering the most robust and high-performance I/O interconnect specifications, while at the same time maintaining an uncompromised focus on low cost, low power, high volume manufacturability and compatibility, by taking advantage of breakthroughs in signaling technologies and silicon process capabilities.

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Section - The question is regarding Configuration.Linkwidth.Start state in the case of upconfiguration. It is written in the spec: "The Transmitter sends out TS1 Ordered Sets with Link numbers and Lane numbers set to PAD on all the active Upstream Lanes; the inactive Lanes it is initiating to upconfigure the Link width; and if upconfigure_capable is set to 1b, on each of the inactive Lanes where it detected an exit from Electrical Idle since entering Recovery and has subsequently received two consecutive TS1 Ordered Sets with Link and Lane numbers, each set to PAD, in this substate." It is not mentioned here if sending of these TS1s should be done ONLY on lanes that detected a receiver in the last time the LTSSM was at Detect state. Is it so?

The only lanes that can be part of an upconfigure sequence are lanes that were part of the configured link when configuration was performed with LinkUp = zero, and Lanes that failed to detect a Receiver can not be part of that initially configured Link. Therefore, a Port in the Configuration.Linkwidth.Start state must only transmit TS1s on a subset of the Lanes that detected a Receiver while last in the Detect state, regardless of if it is attempting to upconfigure the Link width, or not.

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What are the PCIe protocol extensions, and how do they improve PCIe interconnect performance?

The PCIe protocol extensions are primarily intended to improve interconnect latency, power and platform efficiency. These protocol extensions pave the way for better access to platform resources by various compute- and I/O-intensive applications as they interact with and through the PCIe interconnect hierarchy. There are multiple protocol extensions and enhancements being developed and they range in scope from data reuse hints, atomic operations, dynamic power adjustment mechanisms, loose transaction ordering, I/O page faults, BAR resizing and so on. Together, these protocol extensions will increase PCIe deployment leadership in emerging and future platform I/O usage models by enabling significant platform efficiencies and performance advantages.

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Section 4.2.3 - Section 4.2.3 states, "After entering L0, irrespective of the current Link speed, neither component must transmit any DLLP if the equalization procedure must be performed, and until the equalization procedure completes." Does that result in the following sequence: 1. Negotiate a Link and enter L0. Do not allow DLLP transmission while in L0. 2. Change the data rate to 8.0 GT/s and execute the equalization procedure. 3. Enter L0. Allow DLLP transmission.

Yes, that is the expected sequence when the autonomous equalization mechanism is executed. Note that Section 4.2.3 also describes other equalization mechanisms.

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Section 2.3.2 - If a Requester receives a CplLk or CplDLk Completion that does not match the Transaction ID for any of the Requester's outstanding Requests, and the Requester does not support this type of Completion, is the Completion handled as a Unexpected Completion or a Malformed TLP?

Only Host CPUs are permitted to generate locked transaction sequences, so Endpoints should never receive CplLk or CplDLk Completions that match their Transaction IDs. An Endpoint is permitted to handle the case in question either as a Malformed TLP or an Unexpected Completion, depending upon implementation specific factors, such as whether it decodes these types of Completions. For this case it is recommended that an Endpoint handle it as an Unexpected Completion since it may be the result of a misrouted TLP, and best handled as an Advisory Non-Fatal Error as described in Section

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Section - A Root Port is connected to a multifunction Endpoint. The Root Port is ECRC capable. The multifunction Endpoint only has 1 function that is ECRC capable, the others are not. Software enables ECRC checking and generation in the Root Port and also enables ECRC checking and generation in the 1 Endpoint function that supports it. Given that one function is enabled for ECRC check, is the EP required to check the TD bit & ECRC on all TLPs that target any of the endpoint's functions regardless of whether the receiving function is ECRC capable?

Per Section 2.7.1, the device is required to check ECRC for all TLPs where it is the ultimate PCI Express Receiver. Note that per Section 6.2.4, an ECRC Error is not Function-specific, so it must be logged in all Functions of that device.
