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The “Meet the PCI-SIG® Members” blog series is a way to highlight our diverse global members that make PCI-SIG what it is today. PCI-SIG members help to advance and promote PCI Express® (PCIe®) technology innovation in the industry, while receiving a variety of benefits.
- PCI-SIG Membership
- Member Spotlight
- PCI-SIG Members
FMS: The Future of Memory and Storage is quickly approaching on Aug. 6-8, 2024, at the Santa Clara Convention Center, and has expanded its scope to encompass all tiers of Memory and Storage.
- Industry Events
- Flash Memory Summit
- FMS 2024
- PCI-SIG Members
There are many unique challenges in designing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications, and the exuberance around ChatGPT has highlighted the influence that AI can have on day-to-day life.
- PCI Express Specification
- AI
- ML
- PCI Express specification
- PCIe
- PCIe L0p
- PCIe Technology
Author’s Note: This blog discusses new functionality introduced in the PCIe 6.0 specification, but please note that subsequent revisions have been published. Developers should always work from the latest revision to ensure they see all specification errata.
- PCI Express Specification
- PCI Express 6.0 Specification
- PCIe 6.0 specification
- PCI Express 6.0
- PCIe 6.0 FEC
- PCIe L0p
- PCIe low power
Infographic of the PCIe 6.0 Architecture
- Standards & Compliance
- PCIe 6.0
- PCI Express 6.0
- PAM4
- PCIe Storage
- PCI Express specification
- Forward Error Correction
The upcoming PCIe® 6.0 specification introduces Flow Control Unit (FLIT) encoding, which enables the specification to provide low latency with high efficiency. FLIT mode is adopted for the PCIe 6.0 architecture because error correction needs to operate on fixed sized packets.
- PCIe 6.0
- PCI Express 6.0
- PAM4
- Forward Error Correction
The upcoming PCI Express® (PCIe®) 6.0 specification will continue PCI-SIG’s® longstanding history of innovation for the next generation of products to keep up with evolving needs in a wide range of markets.
- Systems & Applications
- PCIe 6.0
- PCI Express 6.0
- PCIe L0p
- PCIe low power state
One of the many new features included in the PCI Express® (PCIe®) specification will be PAM4 (Pulse Amplitude Modulation with 4 levels) signaling.
- Systems & Applications
- PCIe 6.0
- PCI Express 6.0
- What is PAM4
- PAM4
- Forward Error Correction
For almost two decades, the PCI Express® (PCIe®) architecture has offered low latency and high bandwidth in support of next generation systems.
- Systems & Applications
- PCIe 6.0
- PCI Express 6.0
- PAM4
- Forward Error Correction
We are starting 2020 with the release of version 0.5 of the PCI Express® (PCIe®) 6.0 specification incorporating the significant member feedback received on version 0.3.
- Standards & Compliance
- PCIe 6.0
- PCI Express 6.0
- PAM4
- Forward Error Correction
- PCI Express specification