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Every year, we take the opportunity to look back and reflect on all PCI-SIG® has accomplished as an organization and community in the advancement and promotion of PCI Express® (PCIe®) technology over the previous year.
- PCI-SIG Membership
- Year in Review
- PCI Express
- PCIe 7.0 specification
- PCI-SIG DevCon
- PCI-SIG Membership
As Moore’s Law slows down and approaches its scalability limits due to semiconductor equipment limitations, the industry needs to seek new solutions to boost the performance and efficiency of CPUs.
- Systems & Applications
- PCIe
- PCI Express
- PCIe 7.0 specification
- Chiplets
Progress continues on the PCI Express® (PCIe®) 7.0 specification, which PCI-SIG® announced at US DevCon in June 2022.
- PCI Express Specification
- PCIe 7.0 specification
- PCI Express
- PCIe 7.0
PCI-SIG® is pleased to share the PCI Express® (PCIe®) 7.0 specification, version 0.3 is now available to members. Version 0.3 of the specification indicates that the first review draft of the specification is complete and has received work group approval.
- PCIe 7.0 specification
- PCI Express
With the widespread adoption of compute-intensive workloads – such as artificial intelligence and machine learning – in enterprise and cloud data centers, high-speed, low-latency interconnects like PCI Express® architecture are required to connect high-performance nodes.
- Standards & Compliance
- PCIe 4.0
- PCIe 5.0
- PCIe retimers
- PCIe redrivers
- PCIe 5.0 specification
Despite the many challenges in 2020, we are proud to report that it has been a successful year for, PCI-SIG®. We continued the momentum started in 2019 with PCIe® 4.0 Compliance Testing, continued work on the PCIe 6.0 specification, and brought our members new ways to engag
- Standards & Compliance
- PCIe 6.0 specification
- PCIe 4.0
- PCI-SIG DevCon
Wow, 2020 sure has transformed the ways we connect, learn and innovate in industries around the world, and in our daily lives!
- Standards & Compliance
- PCI Express compliance
- PCI-SIG Integrators List
- PCIe 4.0
- PCIe 3.0
PCI-SIG® has shifted to virtual events for the 2020 calendar year and our first major members event was the Virtual PCI-SIG Developers Conference.
- Systems & Applications
- PCI-SIG DevCon
- PCIe 5.0
- PCI Express 5.0
- PCIe 4.0
- PCI Express 4.0 PCIe Retimer
- PCI Express Retimer
At this year’s Open Compute Project Global Summit in San Jose on March 4 -5, attendees will have the opportunity to learn how PCI Express® (PCIe®) specifications enable OCP systems today and how newer versions of
- Systems & Applications
- PCIe 6.0
- PCI Express 6.0
- PCIe 5.0
- PCI Express 5.0
- PCIe 4.0
- PCI Express 4.0
- OCP Summit
- Open Compute Project
Retimers and redrivers have enabled longer physical channels in servers and storage systems since Peripheral Component Interface Express (PCIe®) 3.0 specification was first introduced almost 10 years ago.
- Signal Integrity
- PCIe 5.0
- PCI Express 5.0
- PCIe 4.0
- PCI Express 4.0
- PCIe Retimer
- PCIe Redriver
- PCI Express specification