A Conversation with Scott Knowlton, PCI-SIG® US DevCon 2023 Chairperson’s Award Recipient

A Conversation with Scott Knowlton, PCI-SIG® US DevCon 2023 Chairperson’s Award Recipient
At this year’s PCI-SIG US DevCon 2023, which was held on June 13-14 in Santa Clara, CA, the PCI-SIG Board of Directors recognized Scott Knowlton of Synopsys, one of the recipients of the DevCon 2023 Chairperson’s Award, for his countless hours of service and contributions to the marketing of the PCI Express (PCIe®) specification. Scott has been involved with PCI-SIG since 2004 and helped rebuild the PCI-SIG Marketing Work Group (MWG) in 2018, now serving as a co-chair of the MWG that oversees PCI-SIG marketing decisions. In the following interview, he discusses what this recognition means to him and his work on advancing industry knowledge of the PCIe specification.
- What does receiving this award mean to you?
PCI-SIG® re-launched the Marketing Work Group (MWG) a little over 5 years ago after a hiatus, and we had to rebuild the MWG from scratch. It is an honor to be recognized for the accomplishments of the MWG and the impact we have had to further promote the PCI Express® (PCIe®) specifications over multiple generations. Achieving this award wouldn’t be possible without all the dedication of the MWG members, their contributions, and tireless efforts to make it all happen.
- What have been your proudest achievements related to PCIe technology in the past year?
We launched the PCIe 6.0 specification using a combination of press releases, webinars, white papers, blogs, social media and conferences. It’s a huge undertaking in its own right, but we were also able to continue to make progress on multiple other initiatives as part of our overall marketing strategy to keep PCI-SIG and PCIe technology at the forefront of people minds and synonymous with computing.
- What has been the most fulfilling aspect of being a part of PCI-SIG for you?
I’ve been involved in PCI-SIG since 2004 and have tremendous respect for all the people that contribute to the specification and keep it relevant in our fast-moving industry. It’s a big part of why I joined the MWG when it was being restarted. I wanted to contribute to the organization to help grow this amazing technology into multiple markets and products. It’s just amazing that PCIe specification is headed for its seventh generation and used in all kinds of products from cell phones, test equipment, automobiles, storage, networking, compute and AI (and I’m sure I forgot some). How many other technologies have been around this long or are in so many different market segments and products?
- What do you feel is the impact of PCI-SIG and PCIe technology in the industry?
I work for a provider of IP for PCIe technology, and it gives me insight into all types of products and markets that use PCIe architecture that many people might not see. It is amazing to see the reach and breadth that PCIe technology has in the electronics industry because of the tireless work of PCI-SIG to push the technology forward AND make it backwards compatible. If you use a cell phone, have an electrified vehicle, or use a computer or the internet, your life has been touched by PCIe technology. It’s just amazing the contribution that PCI-SIG and PCIe technology has on our lives today.
- Where do you see PCIe technology progressing in the next year?
PCIe bandwidth doubling to 128 GT/s in PCIe 7.0 specification being developed and PCIe 6.0 products hitting the market. We are also seeing continued proliferation of PCIe technology into new markets and technologies.
- Is there anything else you would like to add?
A huge thank you to everyone that contributes to PCI-SIG with your time and effort – I know that this is done in addition to your day job. It’s been an incredible journey over the last many years to watch what PCI-SIG has accomplished and to be part of it. Again, thank you for the recognition and I’m humbled by it. Many thanks to my MWG members that help make it all happen.
- Where can I review additional conversations with Chairperson’s Award winners?
You can read the conversation with Dean Gonzales.
- Interested in PCI-SIG DevCon Materials?
PCI-SIG DevCon 2023 presentation recordings and slides are available on demand for members to view on Causeway.