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Despite the many challenges in 2020, we are proud to report that it has been a successful year for, PCI-SIG®. We continued the momentum started in 2019 with PCIe® 4.0 Compliance Testing, continued work on the PCIe 6.0 specification, and brought our members new ways to engag
- Standards & Compliance
- PCIe 6.0 specification
- PCIe 4.0
- PCI-SIG DevCon
Wow, 2020 sure has transformed the ways we connect, learn and innovate in industries around the world, and in our daily lives!
- Standards & Compliance
- PCI Express compliance
- PCI-SIG Integrators List
- PCIe 4.0
- PCIe 3.0
This year has been challenging for us all and we hope that you and your families are staying healthy and safe. Despite the trials that we have faced, PCI-SIG® is adapting our events and workshops to these new times and pressing on in specification development.
- Standards & Compliance
- PCIe 6.0 specification
Each year, over 800 PCI-SIG® member companies are invited to attend the PCI-SIG U.S. Developers Conference.
- Standards & Compliance
- PCIe 6.0
- PCI Express 6.0
- PCI-SIG DevCon
We are starting 2020 with the release of version 0.5 of the PCI Express® (PCIe®) 6.0 specification incorporating the significant member feedback received on version 0.3.
- Standards & Compliance
- PCIe 6.0
- PCI Express 6.0
- PAM4
- Forward Error Correction
- PCI Express specification